Monthly Archives: March 2012

These are amazing…I need to get the penguin one!


Tuesday funny: All The Things You Must Have Said To Your Children, In Poster Form. We ran across these absolutely hilarious masterpieces on DesignTaxi and felt obligated to share such comical pieces.

Iowa-based artist Nathan Ripperger has come up with a series of humorous yet adorable posters expressing the things he has said to his children. At the time, they may have been some serious situations, but looking back now, things that you might have said to your children seem pretty comical now.

If your words are still not going down well with your kids, perhaps these posters would be more effective? Then again, maybe not.

images via


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You Can Have Anything

On the eve of Friday, before you pull what to wear tomorrow, just remember one thing…there’s nothing stopping you from getting what you truly want.

Go get ’em, tigress!

❤ Elisa

Giant Crepe Paper Flowers From Honestly…WTF

I’m sure by now everyone has seen these beautiful giant crepe paper flowers from Honestly…WTF (love those girls!!) but I just had to post about them! I am absolutely in love with these colors. I myself have never worked with sheets of crepe paper, only the small rolls we use for party streamers, and now I can’t wait to get my hands on some of these and try out my own projects.

Here is a quick rundown of the steps to make these beauties for for details head on over to Honestly…wtf.

WOW….can’t wait to make some of these myself.

They get their crepe paper from their “favorite (and the ultimate) boutique for creative inspiration, Castles In The Air” which is online so everyone can go buy some crepe paper and start making flowers. There’s no excuse…start making them!!

Share your pictures…I promise to share mine 🙂

Toodles, lovies! Have a beautiful Thursday!


…and I Quote

“Good judgment comes from experience, experience comes from bad judgment”

Mark Twain

Inspirational blog – Young House Love

I’m sure you’re familiar with Young House Love, right? OK, well then you should be! Young House Love is an amazing blog run by self-proclaimed “DIY dorks” Sherry and husband, John. They are really such an inspiration to everyone of their fans and I think the main reason is that they are genuine and full of love…and this shows in everything they do.

I’ve always been into reading DIY blogs but after coming across them is when the idea really stuck in my mind that…hey, I can do this too.  I can turn a passion into a “job” that I love to do everyday! Eventually Live.Play.Love Shop came into the picture along with this blog and of course Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr…uuggghh social media overload!! I did not realize how time consuming this would all be! It’s difficult to split my time b/w work, school (I just started an MBA) and friends/family. Not to mention that reading a blog and maintaining a blog are two completely different things (duh)…as verified by Young House Love in their very interesting post Blogging FAQs where they share in detail everything about their experience blogging…all of the behind-the-scenes happenings, how their blog grew, how they make money, how they get sponsors, the top ten things they’ve learned about blogging and MORE. It’s an extremely informational post and worth reading by everyone. Here are some interesting pie charts…

A global look at how they spend their opposed to the somewhat random and always-changing things that get done in a day.

Here’s a further breakdown of the breakdown above to give us a better sense of what they really do within those general categories.

And for an hour by hour play of what they day is like check out their post Blogiversary IV: Day In Da Life

See...I told you it was time consuming!!

I think a HUGE reason for their success as a business and as a happy family is teamwork. They really seem to split the work, responsibilities and the fun between all in the household (even Burger get a cut). Another reason is that they are honest and genuine people so it’s easy to love them…and their immense list of projects

Get to know Sherry, John, Clara and Burger and fall in love.

Get to know them

With 40,000 plus Facebook fans, 18 thousand plus Twitter followers, 68 million blog hits to date (and counting) they surely have a thing or two to teach. And to someone like me, a small timer just beginning to wet my feet in this blogging world, their knowledge is extremely appreciated. They always were and continue to be an inspiration.

I hope you guys enjoy their blog as much as I do.



*All the images on this post come from

This and That

From my garden

Meow....what are you doing?

Have a beautiful day!

– Elisa


Giant paper flowers

I think every one has seen these giant paper flowers from Design Sponge as well as other equally beautiful giant paper flowers.

Well last weekend I attempted to recreate this project at a bit smaller scale…but huge none the less.

What a beautiful way to welcome the Spring. Wouldn’t you just smile every time you came home?

I finished late at night and hung it over my Ikea lamp.

This was a super fun and quick project…and the possibilities are infinite! I simply followed the instructions on Design Sponge and made a couple changes since I wasn’t making a stem. I used the glue gun to glue the layers of petals together and then glued the finished flower on to a square piece of cardboard  which I had already attached ribbon to and… TAa DAaa!!!

Try your hand at this, you can make it any size, any color and style…get creative. Hang them with signs, attach them to the wall…attach them to your cat  O_o  …ok…maybe that’s a bad idea…but he would look cute!! 🙂

Whatever you do, have fun!


Do the Friday dance!


Doing the Friday dance right now!

– Elisa

Brass love

Remember that Etsy shop I wrote about on a previous post, The White Pepper? I was so excited about their wonderful thrift items, especially these.

Yes! I got them! They look so beautiful and I am so glad I went for it.

They look beautiful next to my flowers 🙂


Don’t you love them? They feel heavy, have the perfectly aged color tone and look absolutely stunning on that wooden table by the front door entrance. I hope you guys checked out the store because they have new items that are just as amazing…which reminds me I have to do a new Cool Shop Friday post soon. But until then…

Live life in full bloom!
