Tag Archives: paper

Giant Crepe Paper Flowers From Honestly…WTF

I’m sure by now everyone has seen these beautiful giant crepe paper flowers from Honestly…WTF (love those girls!!) but I just had to post about them! I am absolutely in love with these colors. I myself have never worked with sheets of crepe paper, only the small rolls we use for party streamers, and now I can’t wait to get my hands on some of these and try out my own projects.

Here is a quick rundown of the steps to make these beauties for for details head on over to Honestly…wtf.

WOW….can’t wait to make some of these myself.

They get their crepe paper from their “favorite (and the ultimate) boutique for creative inspiration, Castles In The Air” which is online so everyone can go buy some crepe paper and start making flowers. There’s no excuse…start making them!!

Share your pictures…I promise to share mine 🙂

Toodles, lovies! Have a beautiful Thursday!



Weekend photo shoot 


This weekend was brutal. I had a cold from hell and I had to study for class and I was trying to crank out my very first order of flowers…a big one at that, 48!!. I’m proud to say that my first order of flowers has shipped today…yey! They came out beautiful and I can’t wait to see how the buyer arranges them in her display window for her very own store opening. Congrats to her!

I’m excited to work on new orders and requests that present new challenges and exciting opportunities. 



Love these giant paper flowers. They have an air of sweet spring ease. These would be amazing for an Alice in Wonderland party.Â